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Tell us about your company, your role, and top priority or initiative over the next six months.

Cube Root is one of the few Caribbean-owned companies on the east coast that offers construction management, construction inspection, program management, and facilities management services. I am the director of marketing and BD and do, well, pretty much everything related to marketing and BD. We are a small company that is growing leaps and bounds. So much work to do and I have my hand in everything, which I like a lot. Top priority for the company is continuing to grow with in the Federal market. Not achievable in six months, however we are doing a lot of positioning.

Given the current and/or projected state of the economy, what has been the greatest challenge(s) you’ve face so far or anticipate in 2023?

Not sure if staffing is relevant to a challenge with economy, but we feel it. We do a lot of work where we have to staff a job with inspectors. It has been more challenging than in years past.

Are current market conditions or concerns about the economy later this year impacting your marketing plans, if so, how? 

We aren’t seeing any impact with our marketing plans because of the economy. In fact, if anything, we are forging ahead and taking risks.

Does PR play a role in your overall marketing strategy and if so where does it provide the most value OR where does it fall short?

I fully understand the power of PR and it will be a part of our future marketing planning. Right now, we are working on building our marketing framework.

Do you or your team currently leverage ChatGPT or another AI tool? How so?

I have used it to help hone messaging, but can’t say I’ve used it to do the writing for me. What a fascinating tool it is! Who knew we’d be here in communications technology.

What are your summer plans?

Toting my daughter to and from swim practice and summer camps while enjoying city life in Baltimore with our culturally satisfying restaurants and water holes.

Learn more about Cube Root and connect with Ree on LinkedIn. 

Pugh & Tiller

Through an integrated approach, Pugh & Tiller helps B2B companies reach, engage, and influence the right audiences in order to achieve their business goals. By offering public relations, branding and identity development, digital integrated marketing, website and app development, and graphic design and audio / video production, Pugh & Tiller provides each and every service with an eye on the bigger picture.